Immigration Reform

Needs-Based Immigration Policy

“When our forbears – yours and mine – came to America, they came because this country promised them something. It promised them an opportunity, nourished by education, not merely to grind for a bare living, but to strive for a good life.” -Robert F. Kennedy

We need a more dynamic immigration policy based on government known facts. We work with our junior and senior high students on their career paths based on projected needs in the job market. We also know the size of the workforce that the current jobs market can support based on unemployment numbers. I propose a dynamic needs-based immigration policy that allows for a higher immigration rate when unemployment is low and a lower immigration rate when unemployment is high. I propose making the immigration process more like an application for those jobs where the market data indicates the need. I propose prioritizing the needs-based immigration in accepting immigrants from countries that are under represented in America’s population diversity over those that are more highly represented. I propose capacity based compassion for humanitarian immigration. This proposed needs-based immigration policy makes success more likely for the immigrants while filling needs in America’s job market. A win-win for America and the immigrants.